Certified Sourcewell Reseller

Pre-Negotiated Pricing for Your Organization

Participating in Sourcewell is available to all government and education entities. There is no cost, no obligation, and no liability. Businesses, private consumers, and for-profit organizations are not eligible.

Cooperative Purchasing

Cooperative purchasing is “Procurement conducted by, or on behalf of, one or more Public Procurement Units” as defined by the American Bar Association Model Procurement Code for State and Local Governments. It’s all cooperative purchasing all the time and dedicated to you – the dedicated procurement professional.

Solicitation Process

Our Procurement Team takes care of the entire competitive solicitation process — both request for proposals on general purchases and invitations to bid on construction contracting — so you don’t have to.

CDS is trusted and loved by over 10,000 organizations across America.

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Under 4 hour avg response time

Best Support Experience

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