Industry Solutions for Education

Document Technology Solutions Brought to You by the Experts

We provided school districts with the solutions they need so they can focus on providing a great education to their students.

Xerox Easy Translator Service

An ever-growing challenge for many of our customers is to provide LEP (Limited English Proficient) students and parents needed materials in a language they understand. This is not a matter of convenience but mandated by laws such as the Every Student Succeeds Act and the No Child Left Behind Act. Providing materials for LEP parents and students takes time and resources. Xerox Easy Translator Service is available in over 45 languages (and counting) and provides easy, affordable and secure translations at any time and place using a smartphone, tablet, PC and Xerox Multifunction Printer. Student information will remain secure utilizing a “no trace” feature guaranteeing there will be no record of the data remaining in the machine translation engine. This is a key differentiator when comparing against other services such as Google Translate.

Google Chromebooks & Mobile

The school districts we serve have seen new growth in the use of mobile devices and apps for instructional purposes. Mobile-based technology provides the educator with the ability to personalize their instruction, receive assessments in real-time and collaborate and share documents in the cloud. A challenge for personnel however, is the lack of training in the use of these helpful tools. Simplicity plays a key role in mobile and app integration; and printing from Chromebooks, iPads and Android easily is a key requirement. When a teacher prints their instruction documents or students print their research papers from their DropBox or Google Drive they can be assured the quality of the output and the layout of the piece remain intact. Xerox Mobile Print Cloud leverages the power and security of the Microsoft AZURE platform providing true Microsoft Office conversion. @PrintByXerox requires little to no set up by IT: a teacher or admin simply sends an email with an attachment to and prints the job on any Xerox ConnectKey device across campus.

Xerox Web Capture Service

There are literally hundreds of web-based education management systems in use today. These packages manage admissions, transcripts, lesson plans and even lunch menus. And while the software covers a lot, less consideration has been given to the workflow required to insert a scanned document into the software. Currently the steps entail multiple touch points and actions by the user. With Xerox Web Capture Service users can scan documents—simply, affordably and directly—into any web app without installing any desktop or server software. The drag-and-drop feature saves everyone time and with no installation the solution comes at a fraction of the cost and complexity that have kept traditional capture solutions out of reach for many educators.

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